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Welcome to the website of P.W. KOTŁREMBUD S.K.

Thank you for taking your interest in our firm. Taking the opportunity we want to give you some basic information about our company.

P.W. Kotłorembud as a Civil Company was established in 1986. Now it functions as an overt company, and its full name goes as follows:


L. Cichosz , B. Szatlach S.K.

Our company is now one of the most significant companies in the metal industry on Polish market specializing in manufacturing products such as tank. A wide range of our company includes both all types of pressure vessels and storage tanks and technological, as well as parts for tanks, including the bottom heads.

Our company owns three independent production plants. Together they take up about 6500m² of the working area. Each of them is equipped with the set of technological devices needed while producing metal branch products, such as eg. rolling mills, cutters, welding machines, overhead cranes, etc.

The company employs about 100 workers. In the year 2005 our firm was qualified by the Welding Technology Institute in Gliwice to the 1st Group of Big Factories acc. PN-M-69009.

Average annual production volumes are:

  • about 600 pieces of pressure vessels (diameter from Φ600mm to Φ4000mm),
  • about 100 pieces of storage tanks (average capacity - 100m3),
  • about 3000 pieces of bottom heads (diameter from Φ800mm to Φ5000mm).

Since the year 2008 our company has established and applies a Quality Management System compliant with the standard PN-EN ISO 9001 in the field of manufacturing, repairing and modernization of pressure and pressureless vessels, steel constructions, technological installations and bottom heads manufacturing, and also Welding Quality System compliant with the standard PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2007.

These are the basic advantages of our company:

  • big experience of the board of directors, managers and personnel,
  • very good knowledge on the market and its needs,
  • very good technical equipment of our factories,
  • big flexibility in production,
  • high quality of our devices,
  • prompt realization of the commitments.

We'd like to invite you to cooperate.

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