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P.W. KOTŁOREMBUD has initiated and started to use Quality Management System according to the standard PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 in the production, repairing and modernization range of pressure and non-pressure vessels, steel constructions, technological systems and heads production certified by the Certification no CSJ/343/2021 and Quality System in Welding acc. to the standard PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2007 certified by the Certification no CSW/343/2021 issued by a Management Systems' Certificating Unit UDT Cert.

P.W. KOTŁOREMBUD has initiated and started to use Quality System in the range of material/element production, which are used for pressure devices. It's verified in accordance to Enclosure I point 4.3 of the Instructions 2014/68/UE certified by the Certification no CSJ/343/MP/PED/2021.


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