Basic fields of our activity:
- vessel production
- producing steel constructions
- systems executing
- investment executing of communal and industrial objects
- services of welding, fittering, transport and construction advising
- etc.
As a company having broad authority and big technological possibilities on the field of pressure vessels production, we can offer a wide gamut of devices such as:
- water filters
- ion-exchange columns
- hydrophores
- hydropneumatic mixers
- comperssed air tanks
- steam storage reservoires
- thermal deaerators
- water supply tanks
- hot water cells
- specialistic vessels
- etc.
There is also a very wide offer of steel storage reservoires, especially water storage reservoires for drinking water in different construction executions, eg:
- vertical vessels: internal (with thermal insulation) and external
- horizontal vessels: internal (with thermal insulation) and external
- specialistic vessels
For the pressure vessels and water storage reservoires, used for drinking water purification and storage systems, we have the certificate of National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw.
Additionaly we offer consulting in the range of water treating technology.
P.W. KOTŁOREMBUDP.W. Kotłorembud has initiated and follows Quality Management System according to the PN-EN ISO 9001:2001 standard in the range of producing, repairing and modernizing pressure and non-pressure vessels, steel constructions, processing systems and bottom heads production, and also Quality System in Welding according to the PN-EN ISO 3834-2:2007 standard.
The manufacturer is included to the 1st Group of Big Factories according to the norm PN-M-69009, certification of Welding Technology Institute in Gliwice.
All the vessels we offer in widely expanded dimension series of types and different material executions (carbon steel, austenitic steel).
For steel vessels made of carbon steel we can offer different anticorrosion protection systems, eg:
- painting (different varnish sets)
- galvanizing (hot or spray galvanizing)
- rubbering
- etc.
Having accepted in our activity the basic principle of „being flexible” in relation to our clients' needs, working according to the maxim:
„We are able to realize any order of a vessel”
and our quick reaction for the market's needs guarantee us constant development and growth of number of new clients.
Thanks to big experience of our design engineers and process engineers our clients are offered very wide technical assistance.
Very good equipment of our engine room and technical laboratory allows us to offer a wide gamut of welding, plastic working, machining and varnishing.
In the range of transport services we offer standard loads deliveries and also realization of oversized transports.
The complex offer of our standard devices is available on our web site in form of technological cards.