P.W. KOTŁOREMBUD started heads production in 2008 – first for our own needs. At first the production was carried out in a small, separate production hall area, of one of our production plants in Bydgoszcz at 20 Solna street. Gaining bigger and bigger experience, extending the produced range in 2009 we started selling the heads to first clients in our country. From the beginning of the heads production we paid attention to the ever-increasing quality of the produced goods and the service satisfying our clients.
In July of 2012 the production was moved to the new production hall located at 17 Ołowiana street in Bydgoszcz. In the new very good conditions we have managed to achieve maximum efficiency of the Italian heads production line produced by FACCIN. As we still wanted to continue to meet the needs of our customers at the right level (delivery times) – we decided to invest in the development of the Heads Production Plant. We expect that by the end of 2015 we will be able to present you an extended range of our products. We will also be able to offer you heads of bigger diametes and produced of materials of greater thickness and strength. We will probably expand the circle of our active customers which now consists of about 300 Polish and foreign companies.
At present we produce bottom heads according to the norms PN-75/M-35412, PN-69/M-35413, PN-69/M-35414, DIN 28011, DIN 28013, PN-EN 12285, PN-EN 13445-4, NF E81-101, NF E81-102, NF E81-103, NF E81-104 and flat bottom heads and other untipical heads produced according to the arrangements with customers.
Bottom heads technology which we have is based on sheets plastic processing in cold. The technological process which allows up bottoms includes forming on a press equipped with a rotary manipulator and spinning on a specialized flanging machine intended only for bottom heads.
Under the co-operation with an external company the produced bottom heads can be heat treated which is recommended in some cases.
Diameter ranges of produced bottom heads:
- from 800mm up to 4600mm – flat bottoms, torosferical bottoms, flat bottoms up to 5000mm
- from 1000mm up to 3200mm – ellipsoidal bottom heads
- up to 6000mm – flat bottoms
- up to 5400mm - torosferical bottoms
- up to 4800mm – ellipsoidal bottoms.
We are able to produce bottom heads from sheets up to 20mm.
Actually in our Bottom Heads Production Plant we are working on implementation of new bottoms production technologies. We have bought a new flanging machine PLB-1200 of German company Leifeld Metal Spinning AG. This machine will allow us to perform the bottoms by spinning on the template form of the bottom. We have already produced first pieces of such bottoms fi=800mm acc. to PN-75/M-35412. Implementation works are in progress and our possible potential customers we'd like to ask for some more patience. In the near future we are ordering additional tools which will allow us to produce the bottoms of the diameter 600mm and 1000mm by this method. With solid and adequately big orders there is a possibility to fit the tools for specific clients. We look forward to cooperation offers.
The management of P.W. KOTŁOREMBUD has decided to buy a new technological line for bottom heads production. They have chosen the machines of the German company having many years of experience – SMT Schleifstein Maschinentechnik GmbH. We are planning to start the line in October 2015. This will allow us to produce the bottom heads of the following diameter ranges:
On the new machines we will be able to produce the bottoms of the sheets up to 35mm. We will inform pur customers about our new possibilities after starting the line. This will also allow you to expand the range of produced equipment and tanks.
We have an implemented and certified by UDT-CERT Quality System PN-EN ISO 9001 in the range of manufacturing elements and materials for pressure devices, checked for compliance with Annex I p. 4.3 of the Directive 2014/68/UE no CSJ/343/WM/PED/2021.
The powers conferred by Transport Technical Supervision allow us to produce the bottom heads for car and wagon tanker trailers and other pressure devices which are under TTS supervision.
In standard for the manufactured bottoms we issue the Quality Certificate 3.1 acc. to PN-EN 10204 – commissioning by the manufacturer on the basis of the powers conferred by UDT-CERT. We can also carry out the reception procedure involving the customer or an official inspector eg. UDT, TTS. Such a commissioning is confirmed with a Quality Certificate 3.2 acc. to PN-EN 10204.
Our company has its owncertified technical research laboratory which in case of producing bottoms of big diameters performs tests of welded joints by RT and UT methods in the range of 100% of tested joints.
Morover we offer delivery of the produced bottom heads with our own means of transport (also oversized transport). As far as possible we mediate in ordering transport services provided by shipping companies.
We invite you to cooperate and submit inquiries:
- by phone: +48 52 3201941
- by fax: +48 52 3201940
- by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Of course our advisors are at your disposal:
Seweryn Mikołajczyk
mobile: +48 668 429 453, +48 668 294 375
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Przemysław Pakuła
mobile: +48 512 391 577
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