Hydropneumatic mixers, dynamic (with rings filling) are used for treated water aerating in order to facilitate precipitation of iron compounds. The mixers are neccesary element of water treatment system. They are to be used in individual collaboration with a filter (e.g. an iron remover) in cold water systems at maximum permissible pressure PS=6bar and max/min permissible temperature TS=6°C up to 20°C.
In relation to traditional cascade mixers they have big productivity at small building surface (shorter holding time required). The mean holding time for ARDW mixers is about 25-30 s. They are most often used when the building surface possibilities are limited. The flange connection which is used on the jacket makes them easy-to-operate and exploit - especially when cleaning and maintenance is concerned.
Dynamic central hydropneumatic standing mixers are used for treated water aerating in order to facilitate precipitation of iron compounds. The mixers are necessary element of water treatment system. They are to be used in collaboration with a filter (eg. an iron remover) or a set of filters in cold water systems at maximum permissible pressure PS=6bar and max permissible temperature TS=20°C.
In relation to traditional cascade mixers they have big productivity at small building surface. They are most often used when the building surface possibilities are limited. The flange connection which is used on the jacket makes them easy-to-operate and exploit - especially when cleaning is concerned.
Hydropneumatic mixers are used for treated water aerating in order to facilitate precipitation of iron compounds. The mixers are necessary element of each water treatment system. They are to be used in collaboration with a set of filters in cold water systems at maximum permissible pressure PS=6bar and maximum permissible temperature TS=20°C.
In relation to traditional cascade mixers they have big productivity at small building surface. They are most often used when the building surface possibilities are limited. The flange connection which is used on the jacket makes them easy-to-operate and exploit - especially when cleaning is concerned.