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N1: raw water inlet and washery effluent outlet, N2: treated water outlet and inlet of water and air for rinsing, N3: connector for automatic vent valve, N4: reserve connector, N5: release, M1: backfilling hole, M2, M3: revisory manhole



Type Nominal diameter DN
Total height H [mm] h1 [mm] h2 [mm] h3 [mm] Side-Connectorsdn
Filling holes
a/b [mm]
Filter surface
P [m2]
FCP2 800 2548 2448 2501 300 926 2076 2129 50 176 / 256 0,50 380 390 385
FCP3 1000 2648 2548 2601 300 976 2126 2179 80 176 / 256 0,78 470 480 475
FCP4 1200 2798 2701 2751 350 1074 2174 2227 100 176 / 256 1,13 590 610 600
FCP5 1400 2902 2802 2855 350 1126 2226 2279 100 320 / 420 1,54 830 850 840
FCP6 1600 3052 2952 3005 400 1276 2276 2329 150 320 / 420 2,01 1045 1070 1065
FCP7 1800 3152 3052 3105 400 1326 2326 2379 150 320 / 420 2,54 1230 1270 1250
FCP8 2000 3256 3156 3209 400 1378 2378 2431 150 320 / 420 3,14 1665 1710 1690
FCP9 2100 3306 3206 3259 400 1403 2403 2456 150 320 / 420 3,46 1785 1830 1810
FCP10 2200 3356 3256 3309 400 1428 2428 2481 150 320 / 420 3,80 1940 1990 1970
FCP11 2400 3456 3356 3409 400 1478 2478 2531 150 320 / 420 4,52 2195 2250 2230
Note: Filters of parameters not included in series of types we produce according to individual arrangements. For the given parameters the tolerance shall be taken consistent with the existing rules.




Vertical pressure vessels FCP B, C, D are one of basic devices of technological system of water treating. After filling with properly selected filter bed and collaborating with hydro-pneumatic mixers and other technological devices they are mainly provided for removing iron and manganese compounds, turbidity, etc. from water.



In standard works all pressure filter elements (mantle, dished head, manholes, connectors, etc.) are made of low-alloyed certified steels. Maximum pressure PS=6bar and maximum temperature TS=50°C cannot be exceeded while exploiting the filter.

Filter is protected against to corrosion by painting: internally with polyester resins with PZH certification for contact with drinking water, externally with universal temporal protective paint. Manufacturer allows using other internal varnish sets (e.g. epoxy resins) and executions with external surface painting (e.g. set of polyurethane paints) – for client's special wishes.

Manufacturer can also offer devices with other anticorrosion protections e.g. by:

  • hot galvanizing, two-sided (for diameters not bigger than DN 1800 mm)
  • spray galvanizing, one or two-sided (for bigger diameters)
  • ebonit lining (rubbering)

We also offer pressure filters made of austenitic steel.

Filters of diameters bigger than DN 2000 are supported on 4 bearings. The angular location of side-connectors in work C or D (draw.1) is connected with the supportings.

Filter in work B, C, D has plate filtration system, made in form of flat inner bottom, in which filtration drain (nozzles) are screwed in. In standard we use nozzles made of plastics PP with the filtration gap s=0,5 mm or s=0,2 mm wide. Filter in work B, C, D is equipped in additional manhole M3 which allows the internal revision under the filtering plate.

The manufacturer allows any constructional changes of a filter in the range of connectors' diameters and placing and the height of the cylindrical (filling) part

1. The manufacturer allows adaption of the filter construction to the requirements of Technological Design of the Object.
2. Difference in pressure before and after the filter bed can not exceed the value P=0,5 bar (filter rinsing).


1. Filters FCP are subjected to the instruction 97/23/WE (PED). In accordance with it and its guidelines they are included to devices produced consistent with engineering practice. In particular cases filters are given the CE sign.
2. For our filters we have the PZH certificate which allows contact with drinking water.